Lespedeza속(屬)의 종자저장기간별(種子貯藏期間別) 발아시험(發芽試驗)

The Effect of Different Periods of Seed Storage on Germination of Genus Lespedeza

  • 투고 : 1976.07.10
  • 발행 : 1976.09.30


싸리류(類)의 종자저장기간별(種子貯藏期間別) 발아촉진처리별(發芽促進處理別) 발아율(發芽率)과 발아경과일수(發芽經過日數)를 조사(調査)하였든바 종자저장기간(種子貯藏期間) 40개월(個月)은 발아율(發芽率)이 30% 내외(內外)로 저조(低調)하였고 저장기간(貯藏期間) 28개월(個月)까지는 발아력(發芽力)에 큰 지장(支障)이 없었으며 발아촉진처리방법(發芽促進處理方法)으로는 80% 농류산(濃硫酸)에 3분처리(分處理) 및 과실중(果實中) 과피제거방법(果皮除去方法)이 가장 좋았다. 이들 처리(處理)가 타처리(他處理)에 비(比)하여 일주정도(一週程度) 빨리 발아율(發芽率)이 절정(絶頂)에 도달(到達)하였으며 종자저장기간(種子貯藏期間)이 단기(短期)인 것이 장기(長期)인 것에 비(比)하여 단시일내(短時日內)에 발아율(發芽率)이 절정(絶頂)에 도달(到達)하였다.

In order to guide the project for tree seedling production and direct seeding afforestation by introduction of genus Lespedeza, studies were conducted on the effect of seed storage period and on percentage and rate of germination through various kinds of treatments. L. bicolor, L. cyrtobotrya, and L. japonica. intermedia seed were storeds at different period of time. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Germination capacity was not reduced until 28 months after harvest. However, germination was very poor 40 months after harvest, with less than 30% germination obtained by germination treatments. 2. Removal of seed coat and cone, sulphuric acid treatments were more effective in increasing germination than other treatments. Especially, most seeds germinated one week earlier than other treatments by removal of the seed coat. 3. The seeds stored for a short period of time showed more rapid germination compared to seeds which were stored for long period.
