독서자원과 그 협력방안을 위한 시도적 연구-경상북도를 중심으로

  • 발행 : 1976.03.01


If Y'ational developments are depend on the dex-elopment of regional >ociety and de~.elopment of regional society are rely on intellcctual delrelopment of members of regional society, going abreas! oi economic capacity. Estnhlis!l:r,ent of libraries as a treasure-house of mental resources and its Jet-elopment are inevit-able and important. But in every respect :f modern libraries are not equipped with contemporary devclij;!~i:c:\ulcornert of society. One c~i the resolving problems, like this, opening the door of the liI~-,\ulcornerr:~fa-c ilities, as one object, which located in every regional areas, u.9ng the existing facilities, the width of the library services mus: I)c opened. I-' ;- I n,> study is aimed at like the following: 1. is analysizing the situation ~vhich the library facilities of one ti:u~:sa!~d five hundred and fifty nine located here and there ir, Ii.;~-ui:gij~opkr ovince in Korea and s i s t ~t.l lousand seven hundred aid tliirl:~ six village libraries, for connecting as a library networks. 2. Tl\ulcornerc ivhole libraries in Kyungbook province and dividing into four ::arts as a Daegu, Phohang, Ahndong and Kimchun area as a transportation area, school area and resources area which exhibiting the view-point of helping-net~vorksl ike the following,
