Influence for a state of nutrition reached over Hb formation

영양상태(營養狀態)가 Hb 형성(形成)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong (Dept. of Premedical Course College of Arts & Natural Science Jeon-Buk National University) ;
  • Jeon, Kwan-Bae (Dept. of Premedical Course College of Arts & Natural Science Jeon-Buk National University)
  • 이금영 (전북대학교 문리대 의예과) ;
  • 전관배 (전북대학교 문리대 의예과)
  • Published : 1975.04.30


1. A nursery school principal must think over physical stamina and health of his children, and he must make an epoch making changes to nutrition control. I think that authorities concerned must give weight to quality before quantity to manage the nursery school. If the nursery school principal who has aid received from abroad and his native country must manage the nursery school rationally. It is expected that, though the nutrition level is below the level of sports middle school children, it is above the common level of home children. 2. I fear that the calories which the pupils of sports middle school assimilate a day on the average is apt to be more calories as compared with other pupils of their age(weight). This is also true for their level of activity. It is required that the nutritionist must recheck the quantity of the calorie provision. 3. I took no thought about infection with parasites in this thesis. It is because that the pupils of sports middle school have much Hb (hemoglobin), because they have had meals with a settled menu for a year or two. So, that it is expected that it is caused only by the nutritious foods regardless of parasites and that they have little Hb(hemoglobin). Besides though they are little pupils, because they have much Hb. Of taking the level with upper life classes of the the Ewha Girls University students, it will be more reliable. Therefore as we maintain the states of health of the common home children and nursery school children normally, to increase the national power, the managers of nursery schools or the heads of families must pay attention to the control of nutrition, and authorities concerned must pay attention to the control of nutrition, and authorities concerned must take the trouble much more to the management of nursery school.1. We have been undertaking the occupations of the family plannings for more ten years. But we have still failed to realize the anticipated result in the farm villages. Though it is not in this district, I think that we must make efforts in these occupations urgently, and control increases in population, decrease the consumptions of food and salt, and contribute to the increasing of the general income. 2. There is a tendency to take a little more salted foods in the cities than in the farm villages. But we are apt to take more salt in quantity(20g) to be taken in a day both in the cities and in the farm villages than it is necessary to us. So it is required that we must grope for a means of increasing of the general income as early as possible, and that we must improve our diet to be got rid of dietary life in importance. And so we have to study throughly the side effect caused due to too much salt to be taken in, if it is discovered, we must spour on a means of sweep of it.

(1) 보육원경영주(保育園經營主)는 원아(園兒)들의 체력(體力)이나 건강면(健康面)을 고려(考慮)해서 영양관리(營養管理)에 유기적변화(劉期的變化)를 가(加)해야 하며 행정당국(行政當局)도 양적(量的)인 보육원경영(保育園經營)을 지양(止揚)하고 물적면(質的面)에 치중(置重)해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 외원(外援)이나 내자지원(內資支援)을 받는 보육원(保育園)이 합리적(合理的)으로 운영(運營)의 묘(妙)를 기(期)한다면 체육중학수준(體育中學水準)에는 미급(未及)일망정 일반가정아(一般家庭兒)의 생활수준(生活水準)을 오히려 능가할 수도 있을 것으로 예측한다. (2) 체육중학교생(體育中學校生)의 1 일(日) 평균(平均) Cal 섭취량(攝取量)은 연령(年齡)(체중(體重))과 운동량(運動量)에 비(比)하여 과식(過食)을 하는 형편(形便)이 아닌가 우려(憂慮)된다. 따라서 영양사(營養士)에게는 영양(營養)의 공급량(供給量)에 대(對)하여 새로운 검토(檢討)가 요망(要望)된다. (3) 기생충감염여부(寄生蟲感染如否)는 고려(考慮)하지 않았다. 그것은 체육중학교(體育中學校)에서 일정(一定)한 식단(食單)(menu)으로 생활(生活)($1{\sim}2$년(年))이 계속(繼續)되는 학생(學生)들의 Hb 량(量)이 많기 때문에 Hb량(量)이 적은 것은 기생충(寄生蟲)과는 무관(無關)하고 오직 영양물질(營養物質)에 기인(基因)한다고 예측(豫測)되기 때문이다. 더우기 어린 학생(學生)이면서 상류생활권(上流生活圈)에 속(屬)하는 리화여대(梨花女大)의 대학생(大學生)들과 같은 수준의 Hb 양(量)을 보지(保持)하므로 더욱 그 신빙도(信憑度)가 높다고 보아도 좋을 것이다. 따라서 일반가정아(一般家庭兒)와 원아(園兒)들의 건강상태(健康狀態)를 정상적(正常的)으로 유지(維持)시키면서 국력(國力)을 증강(增强)시키려면 보육원경영주(保育園經營主)나 한 가정의 책임자(責任者)는 오직 영양관리(營養管理)에 세심(細心)한 주의(注意)를 가져야 하고 행정당국(行政當局)도 보육원운영면(保育園運營面)에 보다 깊은 배려(配慮)가 있어야 한다고 요망(要望)된다.
