Diversity in Activities of Peroxidase and Polyphenoloxidase in the Akagare or Helminthosporium-infected Rice Leaves

적고(赤枯) 및 호마엽고(胡麻葉枯) 수도엽중(水稻葉中) Peroxidase와 Polyphenoloxidase의 활성(活性)

  • Accepted : 1972.12.05
  • Published : 1973.03.20


The activities of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase were investigated in the rice leaves(the upper halves) diseased with Akagare or Helminthosporium oryzae. The activity of polyphenoloxidase was slightly lower than that of peroxidase in the healthy leaves but it increased 56% in the diseased leaves while peroxidase decreased 35%. It was expected that polyphenoloxidase is dominant in the oxidation of polyphenols, and hydrogen peroxide may accumulate to harmful level due to the decrease of peroxidase activity resulting in non-enzymatic oxidation of polyphenols in the diseased leaves.

적고(赤枯) 및 호마엽고리병엽(胡麻葉枯罹病葉)(엽신상반부위(葉身上半部位)) 중(中)의 Peroxidase와 Polyphenol oxidase의 활성(活性)을 검압법(檢壓法)으로 측정(測定)하였다. 건전엽(健全葉)에서는 Polyphenoloxidase의 활성(活性)이 Peroxidase의 활성(活性)보다 약간 낮지만 라병엽에서는 Polyphenoloxidase의 활성(活性)이 56% 증가(增加)하는데 반(反)하여 Peroxidase의 활성(活性)은 35% 감소(減少)하였다. 이러한 사실에서 리병엽중(罹病葉中)의 Polyphenol류(類)의 산화(酸化)에 Polyphenol oxidase가 주역(主役)을 담당하며 Peroxidase 활성(活性)의 감소(減少)로 $H_2O_2$가 유독수준(有毒水準)까지 집적(集積)하여 Polyphenol류(類)의 비산소적(非酸素的) 산화(酸化)가 예상된다.
