잎담배 수량에 관여하는 가지를 중요형질간의 상관관계

Studies of correlations among various characters which affect to yield of leaf tobacco

  • 발행 : 1969.01.01


잎담배의 다수성품종 육성의 선택에 앞서 각형질상호간의 상관관계를 구명하고 이들 형질이 수량에 어떻게 관여하는가를 분석함으로써 다수성 계통을 용이하게 선택할수 있겠으므로 이들 주요형질을 고찰한바 잎담배 수량에 직접상으로 관여하는 것은 황색종에서는 엽폭, 엽면적이었고 양건종에서는 간주, 엽수, 엽장, 엽면적이며 음건종에서는 간주, 엽수, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽면적이었다. 종류를 막론하고 엽폭과 엽면적이 수량에 크게 작용하며 이중 가장 측정이 용이하고 실제 다수성개체선택에 효과적인 형질은 엽폭이라 할 수 있다.

Studies wre made to investigate the relationships obetween measurable characters of leaf tobacco such as stem length, stem daimeter, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf thickness, leaf area of biggest leaf and the dry Iield. The results are summarized as follows; n the flue cured yellow tobacco; leaf width and leaf area of biggest leaf were significantly correlated to the yield. In the light air cure type of tobacco; stem diamer, leaf width and leaf area of biggest leaf were significantly correlated to the yield. In the dark air cured type of tobacco; stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, and leaf area of biggest leaf were significantly correlated to the yield. It would be noticiable that the yield was significantly correlated to the leaf width which is easily measurable in the field, and negatively correlated to the leaf thickness though not significantly.
