한국인영양(韓國人營養)의 현황(現況)

Nutritional Situation in Korea

  • 주진순 (우석대학교 의과대학 생화학 영양학교실)
  • Ju, Jin-Soon (Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry, Woo-Sok University, Medical College)
  • 발행 : 1968.03.30


According to the dietary surveys and national food balance sheets, the dietary state of person living in Korea is ingesting a high level of grain and vegetable diet and very low animal sources. The daily calory intake is about 2,300-2,600 Cal. per head in which a total protein intake is 69-86 gm respectively. These data indicate no shortage of calory and total protein intake. However, the intake of animal protein is only 4-11 gm and the fat is 8-18 gm, both of which are far below the requirment. The low fat intake brings about a low level of fat soluble vitamins, and that V-A intake is as short as the half amount of the allowance. Riboflavine is also about a half of dietary requirment. Both thiamin and ascorbic acid intake are sufficient. The calcium intake is 0.26-0.5 gm per day which is inadequate. In fact, biochemical findings through field survey show; serum protein 6.7 gm, hemoglobin 13.1 gm and hematocrite 41.5% all of which are lower than the Kwon's report. The serum V-A and uunrinary riboflavin value are also lower than the Williams'es report. Clinically, inflamation of the eyes, cheilosis, pathological signs of tangue, xerosis of the hand and arm, or the like are frequently seen. On the other hand, there is no suitable diet available for the weaning infant and delayed weaning is a common practice. A school lunch program is still in an early stage of development. Another example can be cited that the Korean infant grows faster than the Japanese until one year of age, and no difference is noted between the Korean and the American infants up to six monthes of age, thereafter the former lags in the growth rate. This might be mainly due to the nutritional reasons as mentioned above, and in part due to the high inidence of intestinal parasitism and others.
