가토의 호중성백혈구 성염색질의 정상빈도와 X선조사에 대하여

Studies on the Normal Frequency and Effects of X-irradiation on Sex Chromatin of Neutrophil Leukocyte in the Rabbit

  • 박대규 (경북대 문리대 생물학과) ;
  • 김무윤 (경북대 문리대 생물학과)
  • PARK, Tae-Kyu (Dept. of Biology, Kyung Pook University) ;
  • KIM, Moo-Yun (Dept. of Biology, Kyung Pook University)
  • 발행 : 1966.04.01


The frequency of sex chromatin in neutrophil leukocyte of 14 female and 4 male normal, adult rabbits was examined and compared to those of single total X-ray irradiation. 1. The average frequency of of drumstck was 9 % in female and 0.1% in male, and that of sessile nodule was 3.35% in female and 0.9% in male , in normal condition rabbit . These results fairly determined sex ratio by sex chromatin in neutrophil leukocyte. 2. The drumstick frequency reduces to half after X-irradiaton but did not show any regular tendency or variation in morphologicla form, indicating the stability of chromatin to X-irradiation. 4. The chromatin satellite was found with a reasonable frequency in the some kinds of irradiated cells, polymorphonuclear neutrophil (above 7 lobes 0 and megakarycyte.
