일차출력 미분귀환을 갖는 아나로구 전자계산기용 써어보 승산기

A Servo-Multiplier with First Derivative Output Feedback for Electronic Analog Computers.

  • 발행 : 1965.05.01


The characteristics of servo-multipliers and its accuracies are analyzed. From the analysis a low cost high accuracy four quadrant servo-multiplier with first derivative output feedback is built. The multiplier servomechanism has a second order system response with a damping ratio of 0.8 and computing bandwidth of 4 cycles per second, and its tracking accuracy at low speed of 0.5 volt per second is 0.9 per cent of maximum output voltage and static accuracy is better than 0.6 per cent. Method of testing this multiplier and the results are also described. The test on the characteristics of the multiplier shows that the results agree with theoretical values satisfactorily, and justifies the use of the servo-multiplier for slow type analog computers.
