미기록종을 포함한 소요산의 선태류

  • 홍원식 (가톨릭대학 의학부 예과 생물학교실)
  • 발행 : 1960.04.01


1. Mt. Soyo is situated in the central part of Korea, approximately 37$^{\circ}$56'W. Latitude, 127$^{\circ}$4'N. Longitude. This mountain is about 530 meters above sea level, and consists mainly of granites. Above 200 meters the area is covered with oak trees (Quercus mongolica, Q. aliena) with a kind of Rhododendron (Rhododendron mucronulatum, R. schlippenbachii) as undergrowth. About 500 packets of bryophytes were collected by the writer in 1959. 2. The mosses collected in this region were of 68 species belonging to 51 genera. Those species may roughly be divided, as follows; 1) 15 species (22.1%) are distributed also in Europe and North America (Holarctic element). 2) 2 species (2.9%) occur also in Kamchatka and the Aleutians (North Pacific element). 3) 14 species (20.6%) are widely distributed every where (Cosmopolitan element). 4) 19 species (27.9%) occur also in the temperature region of the Far East (East Asiatic element). 5) 3 species (4.4%) occur also in Indomalaya and India (Tropical element). 6) 15 species (22.1%) are endemic to Japan and Korea. 3. The Hepaticae collected in this region are of 11 species belonging to 7 genera. Those may roughly be divided, as follows; 1) 4 species (36.4%) are distributed also in Europe and North America (Holarctc element). 2) 5 species (45.5%) occur also in the temperature region of the Far East (Asiatic element). 3) 1 species (9.1%) occur also in Indomlaya. 4) 1 species (9.1%) are endemic in Japan and Korea. 4. The species which are new to the flora of Korea are as follows; 1) Leucobryum glaucum (L.) Schimp. 2) Psedoleskeopsis dicurvata (Mitt.) Broth. 3) Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Mitt. 4) Dolichotheca perrobustum (Broth.) Broth. 5) Brachiolejeunia sandvicensis (Gott). Evans. 6) Porella vernicosa Lindb. ssp. gracillina (Mitt.) Ando.
