Quantitative Study on Sustainability of Building Construction in Japan from Perspective of Recent Changes in Building Status and Trends

  • Atushi TAMURA (Department of Production Engineering, Building Research Institute, National Research and Development Agency) ;
  • Koya UTSUMI (Housing Department, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) ;
  • Akinori KONNO (Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Building Research Institute, National Research and Development Agency)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


After increasing to 84 trillion yen in FY1992 following the burst of Japan's economic bubble, construction investment in Japan fell to 42 trillion yen in FY2010 in the wake of the global financial crisis. It subsequently recovered to 67 trillion yen in FY2022, driven largely by demand for reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Abenomics. On the other hand, the sustainability of Japanese construction is under threat due to a declining population and a decrease in the number of construction workers. A breakdown in sustainability is not only detrimental to the population, but also leads to delays in disaster recovery for Japan, which is a disaster-prone country. It is therefore necessary to analyze the status and trends in building construction in recent years to clarify the future sustainability of building construction in Japan. This study reviews basic information on buildings constructed in recent decades using raw data from the Statistical Survey of Building Starts, a statistical survey undertaken by the Japanese government, and analyzes statistical data such as number of buildings, location, building type, total floor area, construction cost, and construction duration. Finally, the sustainability of building construction in Japan is discussed.



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