Strategies for Facilitating Post-Construction Evaluation and Management System

건설공사 사후평가 제도 활성화 방안 수립

  • 이강욱 (한국건설기술연구원 건설정책연구소 건설공사 사후평가센터)
  • Published : 2023.05.17


The Post-Construction Evaluation and Management System has been operated over the past 20 years not only to analyze the performance of large-scale construction projects, and but also to provide useful reference data for future similar projects. Although the Post-Construction Evaluation and Management Center has been legally designated and operated since 2020, various problems have been occurring in the operation of the system. Accordingly, this study proposes strategies for facilitating Post-Construction Evaluation and Management System in terms of the following three aspects: (1) improving the implementation rate of post-construction evaluation; (2) improving the information management system related to post-construction evaluation; (3) improving the utilization of post-construction evaluation outcomes. Based on the results of this study, a specific action plan will be prepared, which is expected to contribute to the efficiency of construction project performance management in the future.



본 연구는 2023년도 국토교통부 "건설공사 사후평가지원센터 운영사업"의 재원으로 수행된 연구임.