Effect of pouring range of super retarding concrete using fly ash on water Permeability and splitting tensile strength of construction joints

플라이애시를 사용한 초지연 콘크리트의 타설범위가 시공줄눈의 수밀성 및 쪼갬인장강도에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2023.11.10


This study attempted to derive an appropriate application range by reviewing the integration performance of joints according to the application range of SRA concrete. As a result, it was confirmed that the integration performance was improved even if SRA concrete was placed only by 75mm, which is 0.5 times the thickness of the member.



본 논문은 2021년 한국연구재단 개인기초연구사업 중견연구 (과제번호: NRF-2021R1A2C2011273)의 일환으로 수행된 연구임을 밝히며 이에 감사를 드립니다.