A Study on the Cost Criteria for Street Tree Pruning through Field Survey

현장실태 조사를 통한 가로수전정 원가기준 마련 연구

  • Published : 2022.04.20


Pruning is the most important work for the growth and aesthetics of street trees. It is also the most actively conducted maintenance work. However, the specifications, application methods, and cost criteria for pruning have not been systematically established. This has recently caused a lot of confusion in the practice of street tree pruning, such as indiscriminate pruning and lack of construction costs. Therefore, this study clarified the contents of work according to the form of pruning. It added 'aesthetic pruning,' which takes into account design. In addition, It revised equipment not in conformity with the law and excluded personnel necessary for on-site traffic control so that they could be reflected separately. As a result, this study is expected to contribute a lot to securing appropriate construction costs for maintaining street trees.



본 논문은 2022년 국토교통부 기술혁신과 공사비산정기준관리운영사업(과제번호: 20220032) 및 한국건설기술연구원의 주요사업(건설정책 및 건설관리 발전전략)의 일환으로 수행된 연구임을 밝히며 이에 감사를 드립니다.