A Study on Fire Scenario Analysis Based on Fire Statistics for Building Fire Risk Analysis

건축물 화재위험평가를 위한 화재통계 기반 화재시나리오 분석에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2022.04.20


This study aims to establish a methodology for rational fire risk assessment for building evacuation safety in case of fire, and specifically, to propose a fire risk assessment technique using fire scenarios considering various uncertain factors in case of fire. In order to analyze the extent to which the assumed conditions can occur, that is, the probability of each accident caused by fire, the safety rate is analyzed according to the presence or absence of each factor by using fire statistics. Factors related to the fire protection performance and evacuation ability of buildings are defined as disaster factors. In this study, disaster factors were classified into the following three categories.



본 연구는 소방청 재난현장 긴급대응 기술개발사업(20015074)의 연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.