A Study on Crack Reduction Method in open Section of Down-Up Underground Construction Method Affected by Earth Pressure

토압 영향을 받는 Down-Up 지하공사 공법의 오픈 구간 균열 저감 방안 연구

  • 심학보 (롯데건설 기술연구원 건축기술연구팀) ;
  • 전현수 (롯데건설 기술연구원 건축기술연구팀) ;
  • 석원균 (롯데건설 기술연구원 건축기술연구팀)
  • Published : 2021.11.12


The underground method can be divided into Top-Down, Semi-Top-Down, Up-Up and Down-Up methods according to the construction order of the upper and lower structures. Among them, the Down-Up method proceeds with the construction of the first floor and its lower floors, and when the foundation is completed, the vertical members of the basement are sequentially completed from the foundation and the above-ground floor is constructed. In this paper, the crack reduction method around the open section of the Down-Up method affected by earth pressure was analyzed and divided into design and construction parts.
