Study on the Effect on the Development Design of Headed Deformed Bars by change of ACI 318-19

ACI 318-19 변경에 따른 확대머리철근 정착설계의 영향분석

  • 이병수 (한국수력원자력(주), 중앙연구원)
  • Published : 2019.11.01


In ACI 318-19 published recently, the conditions and development length equation to use the headed deformed bars were changed considerably. Although the use of the larger-diameter(No.14 and 18) headed deformed bars isn't yet permitted, the use of the high strength(80,000psi) headed deformed bars is permitted and the effect of bar-diameter($d_b$) on the development length is increased considerably. Therefore, structures using larger-diameter headed deformed bars will be expected to be affected by this code change. We will study the effect of the code change on the development design and find out the design optimization method to minimize the effect of the changed conditions and development length equation.
