Design and Implementation of Solid-State Kicker Modulator for PLS-II

PLS-II 용 반도체 스위치 기반 키커 펄스 모듈레이터 설계 및 제작

  • Published : 2019.07.02


The Pohang Light Source (PLS) - II is a 3 GeV third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. To inject electron beam from LINAC, a kicker modulator system and kicker magnets are installed in the PLS-II storage ring tunnel. The injected beam then falls into the storage ring beam dynamic aperture. This paper describes the design and implementation of the solid-state kicker modulator for PLS-II. The solid-state kicker modulator is consisted of high voltage solid state switch stacks. the technical considerations of the solid-state switch stacking for kicker modulator is discussed. The achieved capability of the solid-state kicker modulator demonstrates that is fulfills the design requirement of providing half-sine pulsed current of 10kA (peak), 6us (Base-width), with jitter < 2ns (Standard deviation). simulation and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the solid-state kicker modulator.
