Emergency Scenarios of Rail-mounted Window Cleaning System

유리창 외부 부착형 청소장치의 비상상황 시나리오 도출

  • 김균태 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터) ;
  • 전영훈 (한국건설기술연구원 건설산업고도화센터)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


Recently, a variety of window cleaning devices have been developed. There are, however, few cases of anticipated problems and countermeasures that may arise after these devices are installed. Therefore, in this study, the emergency condition was derived and the emergency scenario was derived for the rail-mounted cleaning device. Emergency scenarios and countermeasures derived from this study will be used for continuous improvement and supplementation of cleaning devices through prototyping and testing.
