Application of Ultra High Performance Concrete with Pre-mix Binder

프리믹스 결합재를 활용한 초고성능콘크리트의 현장적용

  • 구경모 (아세아시멘트(주), 지원기획본부 연구개발팀) ;
  • 김기훈 (아세아시멘트(주), 지원기획본부 연구개발팀) ;
  • 황인성 (아세아시멘트(주), 지원기획본부 연구개발팀) ;
  • 김원기 (아세아시멘트(주), 지원기획본부 연구개발팀)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


In this study, application of ultra high performance concrete(UHPC) with pre-mix binder were presented on civil, architectural and special field. The UHPC can be applied to a variety of site due to its excellent flowability, mechanical properties, impact resistance and fire resistance. It is necessary to apply the pre-mix binder to take into account the productivity and performance improvements of the UHPC.
