A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Synthetic Resin Formwork Material

합성수지 거푸집 재료성능 검증에 관한 연구

  • 남경용 (유탑엔지니어링건축사사무소) ;
  • 김성덕 (유탑엔지니어링건축사사무소) ;
  • 최석 (유탑엔지니어링건축사사무소) ;
  • 이영도 (경동대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2019.05.15


This study length variation test, shock test were conducted to evaluate the performance of synthetic resin form. Results of both thermal length variation test and shock test satisfied the KS standards. for length variation test, the result of the horizontal and vertical valuse were -0.1% in average.
