Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference (한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2018.05a
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- Pages.275-276
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- 2018
Properties Strength and Autogenous Shrinkage on the Ultra High Performance Concrete by Fiber Type and Pre-mix Binder
섬유종류 및 결합재의 프리믹스에 따른 초고성능콘크리트의 강도 및 자기수축 특성
- Published : 2018.05.16
Ultra high performance concrete(UHPC) represents high early age autogenous shrinkage strain due to its low water-to-binder ratio(W/B) and high fineness admixture usage. It has been reported that fiber can control restrained tensile stress and crack. The purpose of the present study is, therefore, to investigate the autogenous shrinkage as well as mechanical properties including compressive strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity on the UHPC with fiber type and pre-mix of binder.