Basic Study on Safety Accident Prevention System Development Using Wearable Device

웨어러블 장치를 이용한 건설사고 예방 시스템 개발 기초 연구

  • 류한국 (국립창원대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 강진우 (국립창원대학교 산업기술연구소)
  • Published : 2018.11.16


In order to reduce the risk of accidents, we proposed a construction safety management system combined with wearable device and LoRa (Low-Range Wireless Network) communication method to apply the usefulness of Internet (IoT) technology which means "everything connected". to construction safety management Management system. The proposed wearable safety device is a device that relays information exchange between wearable safety device and safety management server by LoRa wireless communication method. The safety management server can store workers bio-data and perform big data analysis. If a risk factor is determined from the analysis result, a warning is sent to the wearable safety device and the manager's application. The goal of this system is to prevent construction workers from entering the dangerous area that is not suitable for work, and to prevent safety accidents caused by human cause by detecting abnormal condition during work.
