
Trend Analysis on literature of Personnel Training in Construction Management Specialty Based on Visualization Technology

  • 발행 : 2017.10.27


本文运用文献计量分析的可视化软件 CiteSpace 对 CNKI 数据库平台上收录的我国高校工程管理人才培养研究相关文献进行分析, 了解我国高校工程管理人才培养研究现状以及研究的发展轨迹。 研究结果显示: 我国高校工程管理人才培养研究持续活跃, 文献数量呈稳步上升趋势, 载文期刊分布广泛, 研究者多, 但各研究机构之间合作少; 研究热点主要集中在应用型工程管理人才培养,实践教学改革和课程体系改革等方面。 为此, 我国高校工程管理人才培养相关研究可加强学术团体间的合作, 拓展研究对象的范围, 丰富研究视角, 并进一步探讨 "新工科" 发展下的工程管理人才培养。

This paper focuses on bibliometrics analysis of personnel training in construction management specialty using visualization software CiteSpace from CNKI database. And points out the research situation and development trend of college personnel training on construction management in China. The results show : (1)the research of professional talents in colleges of construction management presents continued activity, and the source journals are widely. There are a lot of researchers pay attention to this issue, but collaborate little with each other; (2)Most of literature fasten on the practical talent training mode, practical teaching reform and course system reformation. Therefore, we should be further strengthened in academic cooperation, be further broadened research scope, be further enriched the insight of the research, and should follow with interest the issue on personnel training on construction management under the background of new engineering disciplines.



教育部人文社科研究专项任务 (工程科技人才培养研究) 项目 (17JDGC020) ; 福建省高等教育学会 2017 年高等教育管理研究课题重点课题 (MGJZ003)