An Experimental Study on the Compressive Strength of Cement Paste Considering Relative Density

상대밀도를 고려한 시멘트 페이스트 압축 강도에 관한 실험적 연구

  • 장종민 (한양대학교 건축시스템공학과) ;
  • 장현오 (한양대학교 건축시스템공학과) ;
  • 이한승 (한양대학교 ERICA 건축학부)
  • Published : 2017.05.17


In In this study, we measured the relative density and the compressive strength in order to select the appropriate W/B for the ultra-high strength concrete development. If W/B is lowered than the W/B of highest relative density, it was confirmed that the strength is lowered. However, if water is increased than the W/B, the relative density is decreased compressive strength was similar. The selection of the W/B of the lower than the highest relative density is not appropriate. Appropriate W/B is selected to be more than the maximum relative density of W/B. This was confirmed for TG-DTA.
