Fundamental Properties of Mortar and Wall Sand Coat Wall Materials Mixed with Eco-Friendly Plaster Material

친환경 미장재료로서 사벽재료를 혼입한 모르타르 및 벽체의 기초적 물성

  • Published : 2017.05.17


The In the experiment on flow using sand walls, when white clay+sand was mixed with glutinous rice, traditional paper and seaweed as adherents and preventive measures for cracks, the flow was higher than other sand wall mortars. This indicates that it is effective in improving flow. Moreover, in terms of strength, a mix of white clay+sand, traditional paper and flour had a greater strength than a mix of white clay+sand, straws and flour. In the experiment to test for cracks and shrinking during drying, a composition of white clay+sand+traditional paper showed fewer cracks and less shrinking than the walls where straws were mixed in.
