Bond-Slip Tests of V-ties as a Supplementary Lateral Reinforcement

보조 띠철근으로써 V-타이의 부착-미끄러짐 관계 실험

  • 권혁진 (경기대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 양근혁 (경기대학교 플랜트.건축공학과)
  • Published : 2017.11.16


This tests examined bond stress-slip relationship of V-ties embedded into concrete as a supplementary lateral reinforcement proposed for ductility of concrete flexural members. The different leg shapes of V-ties were prepared as a test parameter. The V-tie with pressed end-legs exhibited 28% higher bond strength than the conventional V-ties, whereas bond stress-slip curves were insignificantly affected by the embedment length of V-ties.
