Development and Application of Unit Table Form using Euro Form for High-rise Building Construction

연질 및 경질 초속경도막방수재를 복합화한 옥상노출방수공법에 관한 실험적 연구(구조물 거동 대응성)

  • Published : 2017.11.16


New waterproofing technologies have emerged in the field of building waterproofing due to the recent diversification of the size and type of structures, the enhancement of required performance, and the diversification of new technologies (such as materials and methods)(Sheet waterproofing material, coating waterproofing material) is reduced, and composite waterproofing materials that utilize mutual benefits are widely used by compounding them (sheet+coating film, coating film+sheet). However, it is true that there is no evaluation method that can verify these composite waterproof materials, which is the most widely used at present, but the KS standard only specifies tests for individual materials However, there is a situation in which the countermeasures without a test method for composite waterproofing become sudden.
