동북지역 중국인의 공항 이용 형태에 관한 연구

An Empirical Research of the airport use behavior of Northeastern Chinese passengers

  • 발행 : 2016.05.13


The number of Chinese tourists entering Korea has constantly increased since 2000. The number of Chinese visitors who have entered though Incheon International Airport last year was 2.75 million, making Chinese citizens the greatest in number out of all foreign visitors. Considering the importance they have on the Korean aviation market, an examination into their airport usage patterns and satisfaction is essential. For the purpose of this study, the Northeastern region of China was chosen. This region has an even distribution in monthly entrants to korea, and has a dual system of Socialist and Capitalist economies. The following study aims to examine the airport use behavior of Northeastern Chinese passengers, and to provide a strategic guideline regarding this. The following empirical study was attempted by surveying Northeastern Chinese passengers who use Incheon International Airport (IIA). Questions included those regarding airport service and facility usage of IIA, and the patterns of Northeastern Chinese passengers regarding this.
