전력전자학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIPE Conference)
- 전력전자학회 2016년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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- Pages.19-20
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- 2016
UPS 시스템의 무선 병렬 운전을 위한 출력 임피던스 제어 기법
The ouput impedance control strategy for UPS with wirless parallel opertaion
- 김정우 (건국대학교 전력전자연구실) ;
- 한상훈 (건국대학교 전력전자연구실) ;
- 구태근 (성신전기공업) ;
(건국대학교 전력전자연구실) ;
- 조영훈 (건국대학교 전력전자연구실)
- Kim, Jeong-Woo (Power Electronics Lab. Konkuk Univ.) ;
- Han, Sanghun (Power Electronics Lab. Konkuk Univ.) ;
- Koo, Tae-Guen ;
Choe, Gyu-Ha
(Power Electronics Lab. Konkuk Univ.) ;
- Cho, Younghoon (Power Electronics Lab. Konkuk Univ.)
- 발행 : 2016.11.25
This study deals with the control method of the output impedance for the UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) system's wireless parallel opertaion. In order to avoid using any communication between modules, the P/Q droop method was applied. The experiment result based on NPC(Neutral Point Clamped) inverters is included.