A Preliminary Study on Correlation Analysis of Sales Price of Apartments by Region

공동주택 실거래가격의 지역별 상관성 분석에 관한 기초연구

  • 박환표 (한국건설기술연구원 건설정책연구소)
  • Published : 2016.05.19


Korean government has announced declared prices of apartment reflecting market condition each year. Therefore, on that basis, apartment owners have used as basic data trading apartments and the government has been used to calculate the tax. However, the sales prices and declared prices of apartment has occurred difference depending on the region and the brand. This study has analyzed and compared regional differences in sales price of apartments. The results of this study, we have known that sales price of apartments was a big difference depending on the region and the gross area. Especially, Seoul and Gyeonggi Province are the highest. And sales price of Southeast and urban area are the highest in Seoul. In the future, it is necessary that gap analysis between sales price and declared prices of apartment. And It is needed to develop apartment index considering the region and the gross area.
