Analysis of Technical Requirement for Implementation of Multi-trade Prefabrication

Multi-trade Prefabrication 기법 적용을 위한 기술적 요구사항 분석

  • 장세준 (현대건설 첨단건축연구팀) ;
  • 이강 (연세대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2016.05.19


This paper proposes a technical requirements analysis of implementation of multi-trade prefabrication. Recently, there has been a rise in the use of prefabrication to minimize on-site work for time reduction to increase productivity. Prefabrication technique is evolved into multi-trade prefabrication combining other trades from single-trade prefabrication. For implementation of new technique, not only itself but complementary techniques have to be prepared. In this paper, MEP corridor rack, a major item of multi-trade prefabrication, was implemented in the test bed and its process was analyzed to find out technical requirements. As a result, comparatively high level of IT technique was required for efficient use of multi-trade prefabrication in design, lifting and construction phase. In design phase, component level of BIM library was needed for manufacturing; and in lifting phase, BIM-based site logistics process was required. Also in construction phase, laser scanning was implemented for gathering shape and geometry of the wall and slab that were attached to multi-trade prefabrication module.
