Temperature background characteristics of concrete according to changes in bubble sheet types in hot weather environments

서중환경에서 버블시트 종류 변화에 따른 콘크리트의 온도이력 특성

  • Published : 2016.10.21


This research team has developed single silk white bubble sheets to be used as surface sheath curing material for spring, summer, and autumn. But though its effects for spring and autumn temperature conditions have been proved, there haven't been any studies for summer temperature conditions. Therefore in this study, single silk white bubble sheets and single silk transparent bubble sheets as well as aluminum metalizing single silk bubble sheets have been applied to actual box-frame apartment slabs in construction, in order to compare temperature backgrounds of the concrete and other qualities. Upon application, the temperature of concrete cured in summer temperature conditions showed excellent scores, being the lowest for aluminum metalizing single silk white bubble sheets, then single silk transparent bubble sheets. But the aluminum metalizing single silk bubble sheet gave off a harmful glare, so for actual use, white single silk bubble sheets are recommended.
