Review of Freeform Buildings using the Digital Fabrication

디지털 패브리케이션을 활용한 비정형 건축물의 시공공법 고찰

  • Published : 2015.11.14


Starting from Guggenheim Bilbao Museum in 1997, it has been increased steadily that complex geometry buildings using digital designs and construction process. Since 2010, the domestic Freeform design has been widely used for buildings such as Dongdaemoon Design Plaza, Seoul City Hall, Tri-Bowl, and etc. But there are many defects such as the increased cost and period of construction, and the declined quality of construction because of the lack of optimized method and engineering experiences. Therefore, this study has an effort to review case study of the recent freeform buildings and construction methods using digital fabrications. And this study proposed the improve method for the construction quality for freeform buildings.
