Economic Analysis of Solar Light Energy Systems in Public Facilities

공공시설물 태양광조명 에너지 시스템의 경제성 분석

  • 양진국 ((주)중앙엔지니어링 부설 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 신성준 ((주)중앙엔지니어링 부설 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 박승환 ((주)중앙엔지니어링 부설 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 이민현 ((주)중앙엔지니어링 사업관리본부) ;
  • 조현택 ((주)중앙엔지니어링)
  • Published : 2014.05.29


New and Renewable eco-friendly energy technique can be to enable rational use of resources, as well as securing economic efficiency. Therefore, most of the public facilities must apply eco-friendly energy systems. In this study was applied the solar light energy system to the construction projects. As a result, the proposed system was implemented various effect such as the power cost savings in public facilities. In addition to, the proposed system was improved functional aspects such as improving space utilization.
