Post Evaluation on the Constructibility of the Lightweight Wall in Long Life Housing through Interview Survey

설문조사를 통한 장수명주택의 경량벽체 시공성 사후평가

  • Published : 2014.05.29


Recently, structural system of apartment building is changing from wall type to column type to accommodate various life styles of residents in Korea. Reinforced-concrete bearing wall structures have been mainly used in apartment construction since 1980's. It is impossible to remove the bearing wall in case of remodeling a house, so that the lightweight wall is needed to apply to the column type structure of the Long Life Housing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the construction performance of the wall. Constructibility reviews are performed throughout interview survey from builders who charge with managing the construction of the lightweight wall in field. This paper present that constructor prefer the bearing wall rather than the lightweight wall because of the schedule delay, difficulty of management, and lack of skilled labor. The results indicate what we should improve on the lightweight wall from now on.
