Development of the Free-formed Concrete Structure Construction Technologies using 3D Digital Design

3차원 디지털 설계를 통한 비정형 콘크리트 구조물의 구현기술 개발

  • 박영미 (두산건설 기술연구소) ;
  • 조성준 (두산건설 기술연구소) ;
  • 김성진 ((주)디지털연구소 위드웍스)
  • Published : 2012.05.18


Recent the free-formed architecture is smearing as a trend with the development of the digital equipment and technologies. The development of new method based on digital technology is required for the free-formed structure,, because the conventional construction methods are limited to shorten the construction period and to ensure the construction quality. Particularly, the development of the new method for the free-formed concrete structure is important. In this study, the developed method of the T-shape lightweight steel fabricated using CNC can control the geometries of the free-formed concrete structure based on the digital design. Also, new method is effective to ensure the precision of the construction and economic than the conventional construction methods.
