풍력터빈 드라이브트레인의 동특성 해석을 위한 모델링 기법

Modeling Techniques for The Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Drivetrain in Wind Turbine

  • 임동수 ((주)효성 풍력사업단) ;
  • 이승규 ((주)효성 중공업연구소) ;
  • 양보석 (국립 부경대학교 기계공학부 지능역학연구실)
  • 발행 : 2012.10.27


Wind turbine industry is booming and spending a lot on research for improving the performance of its present machines and increasing their capacity. Wind turbine requires service life of about 20 years and each canponents of wind turbine requires high durability, because installation and maintenance costs are more expensive than generated electricity by wind-turbine. So the design of wind turbine must be verified in various condition before production step. For this work, high reliability model for analysis is required. Drivetrain model is modeled by multibody dynamic modeling method. The model constituted with rotor blades, hub, main shaft, gear box, high speed shaft and generator. Natural frequency and torsional stiffness of drivetrain are calculated and analyzed.
