Gas Fuelled Ship - Current Status of IGF Code Development at IMO

Gas Fueled Ship - IMO의 IGF Code 개발 동향

  • Published : 2011.06.09


The utilization of gas as ship fuel requires a new set of regulations by IMO and society of classification. Maritime Safety Committee(MSC) and the subcommittee Bulk-Liquids and Gases(BLG) in IMO developed "Interim Guidelines on Safety for Natural Gas-fueled Engine Installation in Ships(Res.MSC.285(86))" for the use of natural gas in internal combustion engine. According to the requirement of Res.MSC.285(86) for natural gas-fueled engine installations in ships, several parts of ships should follow safety criteria in terms of Fuel bunkering, Gas safe Machinery spaces, Gas Fuel Storage and etc. In this thesis, details of the IGF code shall be described and development of the IGF code in IMO shall be illustrated.
