Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference (한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2011.05a
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- Pages.207-209
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- 2011
Project Performance Comparison Based on Different Types of Project Delivery System
사례연구 분석을 통한 발주방식별 성과비교
Numerous reports show that alternative project delivery systems (PDSs) such as design-build (DB), construction management at risk (CMR), and design-build-maintain (DBM) are increasingly used in many countries. This study compared characteristics of each PDS (design-bid-build (DBB), DB, CMR, or DBM) by analyzing quantitative data from 9 research articles. In order to compare characteristics between DBB and alternative PDSs, the study is based on principal 3 factors - Time, Cost, and Quality. DB shows the best performance in the time part and also the cost performance depending on facility type and project size. The performance of quality has minor difference among different PDSs. These results support the fact that using an appropriate PDS by the characteristic of a project makes high value of efficiency and productivity.