-10℃ 조건에서의 보온양생방법 변화에 따른 벽체 콘크리트의 온도이력

Temperature History of the Wall Concrete Subjected to -10℃ depending on Heat Curing Method

  • 발행 : 2011.11.18


This study investigates the effect of a curing condition on the temperature history and strength development of concrete under -10℃. Combination of various curing methods was applied, i.e. a conventional form was combined with compressed insulation, heat panel and heat cable. Results showed that the concrete cured by a single use of a conventional form resulted in serious deterioration of early strength development. However, other concretes cured by the proposed curing methods maintained the temperature of the concretes between 5 and 20℃, and thus resulted in no frost damage.
