Case Study of Small and Medium-Sized Construction Firms on the Cost Type Lien Suits

공사비 유형의 유치권 소송에 대한 중·소기업 건설업체 사례분석

  • Published : 2011.11.18


Mainly in construction liens to four contractors do not receive your order is caused by construction. This construction does not receive construction compunction to protect the contractor, I guess. On the other hand, the medium and small construction companies and contractors that could threaten the order four can be a problem. In this study, small construction companies to the lien of the lien claim on the issue of case studies have looked for the study. Small construction companies, in your case through the litigation between the lien of the lien litigation perspective, the cause of four orders after the analysis step by step construction was listed in chronological order. Identifying problem was the result of a lien. This study to previous studies regarding the lien on the issue through case studies of one kind of lien was derived for the problem. A follow-up studies and more case studies and interviews are considered necessary in the study.
