사용후핵연료 저장 시설의 중대사고 안전성 검토

  • 신태명 (충주대학교 항공.기계설계학과)
  • Published : 2011.10.27


When the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident occurred in March, a hydrogen explosion in the reactor building at the 4th unit of Fukushima plants lead to a big surprise because the full core of the unit 4 reactor had been moved and stored underwater at the spent nuclear fuel storage pool for periodic maintenance. It was because the potential criticality in the fuel storage pool by coolant loss may yield more severe situation than the similar accident happened inside the reactor vessel. In the paper, the safety state of the spent fuel storage pool and rack structures of the domestic nuclear plants would be reviewed and compared with the Fukushima plant case by engineering viewpoint of potential severe accidents.
