The Estimation of $CO_2$ Emission Cost on Roof Waterproofing Types Using Input-Output Table

산업연관표를 이용한 지붕방수공법별 $CO_2$ 배출량 산정

  • Published : 2010.05.14


Recently, global warming problem is a major issue in international community. The carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) emissions in the construction industry is one of the main factors causing a global warming problem. Accordingly, various researches on $CO_2$ emissions caused by the construction industry is needed and construction methods which is low $CO_2$ emissions should be developed. In this study, $CO_2$emission cost is compared with roof waterproofing types in construction phase. As a result, the $CO_2$ emission costs of asphalt waterproofing is the highest. This research is to provide basic information for selecting appropriate construction methods in aspect of low $CO_2$ emission cost.
