Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference (한국데이타베이스학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2010.06a
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- Pages.13-19
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- 2010
A Study on Improvement of Information Methodology for SMEs
중소기업 정보화방법론 개선 연구
Information competitiveness accounts for substantial parts of business competitiveness necessary for business management in the knowledge-information society in the 21st century. To improve quality. productivity and competitiveness through information in the fields of SMEs particularly having difficulties under rapidly changing business environment. the government has operated "SME Information Support Project" for the past 8 years. The methodology for developing the standard for this project known as EISDM (Enterprise Information System Development Methodology) provides communication between IT businesses and SMEs participating in this project. and standardized output document formats and how to make out such documents. Infortunately. the number of personnel partaking in the development project for SMEs is no more than 2~4 per site on average. Further. they are required to complete demand analyses. development. testing and operation in about 6 months. which is a very short period. Moreover, there is too much demand for documentation, which is likely to end up being formal work process just for supervision and inspection. That is, the documentation could be for noting but documents. which will prove useless outputs after the project finishes. Therefore, this study proposes an improvement approach as an information system development methodology taking into account SMEs' characteristics and environment so as to relieve developers from such excessive burden of documentation, to save time and resources through efficient management of software development as the original purpose of the methodology, and to produce required quality software.