IMS지향성과 기업문화 적합도가 IMS활동의 이행수준과 성과에 미치는 영향

  • 김경일 (충주대학교 사회과학대학 경영정보학과)
  • Published : 2010.06.05


With a sample of 147 Korean small and medium size companies, this study examined the relationships among degree of information orientation, corporate culture, degree of information management implementation and selected business performances in the process of implementing IMS improvement programs, such as IMS(Information Management System). Information orientation is defined as company-wide understanding and implementation of the underlying philosophy, principles, approached, and tools of information improvement programs. It is assumed that successful implementation of information improvement programs requires a information-oriented mind-set of the employees. The key elements of information orientation include continious improvement structured processes, organixation-wide participation and customer-focused spirit. Culture id defined as the value and beliefs of em organization that shape its behavior. It is also assumed that successful implementation of information improvement programs require strong support from s corporate culture that emphasizes cintinious improvement. Adopting the competing values model of Quinn and McGrath(1985), corporate culture is classified into 'flexible' versus 'controlled culture' and 'outer-directed' versus 'inner-directed culture'. Fitness was defined through the relationship between levels of information oriented and types of corporate culture. The results were as follows. First, it was found that when a company with high information orientation promoted information innovation programs, such as IMS, it reported higher degree of information management implementation and improvement in business performances. Second, the results showed the importance of 'flexible culture' and 'outer-directed culture' in performing information, innovation. Regarding the types of corporate culture, the analysis found that developmental culture, rational culture and group culture were effective. Third, companies with high information oriented and flexible culture or companies with high information orientation and outer-directed culture reported the highest implementation in Information management activities. Fourth, the results showed that the level of information management implementation had a mediating effect on the relationship between information orientation and business performance. It was also found that enhanced non-financial performance led to the improvement of financial performance. This study attempted to exaime the factor that lead information management program to success. In order to reach success, first, it is suggested that companies have positive mind set toward continious information improvement. Secondly, it is recommended that a flexible and outer-directed culture appropriate for continious information improvement is cultivated.
