Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2010.09b
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- Pages.53-60
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- 2010
Unsaturated shear strength characteristics of Nak-dong River silty-sand
낙동강 실트질 모래의 불포화 전단강도특성
- Cha, Bong-Geun (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
- Kim, Young-Su (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
Park, Sung-Sik
(Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University) ;
- Shin, Ji-Seop (Dept. of Civil Engin., Kyungpook National University)
- Published : 2010.09.09
The natural soils are classified in saturated soils and unsaturated soils according to level of ground water but the research for only saturated soils has been conducted by this time. However, there are many which are not solved by using the concept and principle of saturated soils on the natural soils. In fact, it is known that unsaturated soils represent the behavior characteristic unlike completely saturated soils because of the adhesion under the influence of negative pore water pressure, the high angle of friction and the low water permeability by the air entry. So it needs to conduct the various researches on insufficient unsaturated soils. In this paper, unsaturated triaxial compressive tests are conducted in order to do research on shear strength characteristic on sands and silty sands of Nakdong river. As a result of the tests, the cohesion is increased in non-linear type according to the change of the matric suction, but the angle of internal friction is not changed much.