TMY2 방식에 의한 국내 기상자료 작성 연구

TMY2 Weather data for Korea

  • 발행 : 2009.06.25


To evaluate the building energy performance, many building simulation programs are used and its capabilities are developed. Despite of its increased capabilities the weather data used In the Building Energy performance evaluation, are still using the same limited set of data. This often forces users to find or calculate weather data such as illuminance, solar radiation, and ground temperature from other sources to calculate it. Also, proper selection of a right weather data set has been considered as one of important factors for a successful building energy simulation. In this paper, we describe TMY2 data, a generalized weather data format developed for use, and applied to Seoul region and examine the differences comparing to existing weather data. A set of 23 years raw weather data base has been developed to provide the weather data file for building energy analysis in Seoul.
