제조업의 총요소생산성과 기술적효율성 결정요인분석 : 비모수적 맴퀴스트 생산성 지수에 의한 분석

An Analysis about determinants of Total Factor Productivity and Technical Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries : Non-parametric Malmquist Approach

  • 발행 : 2009.04.25


Using the Malmquist productivity index, this paper compares the productivity of Korean manufacturing industries from 1999 to 2006. The malmquist productivity index has more advantages than previous methods such as solow model, endogenous growth theory. The malmquist productivity index can be decomposed productivity into two parts. The first part is an index of the technical efficiency change. This index has high value when the elements of production is used more efficiently. The second part is an index of technical change. This index has high value if the advent of new technology and process innovation occur.
