A Technical Analysis of Real Time Location System for Automation in Construction

건설작업 자동화를 위한 실시간위치추적시스템 분석

  • Published : 2009.11.14


Due to its high dependency of manpower, construction work has several difficulties in terms of quality control, imbalance of supply and demand of qualified manpower, safety management for them and improvement of production. Such problems related to the management can be at some degree solved by introducing an automation facility. Since the unique environment of a construction site in the past was not structured, it is very hard to introduce a facility to automate construction work from operation of the equipment to assignment of where to work. This is a preliminary research for automation of construction work. In this study, the trend of development of a cutting-edge technology, RTLS, was researched and analyzed in order to review the possibility of utilizing RTLS in construction work and present a control mechanism for construction equipment. Although the presented mechanism is at the concept stage, which still has lots of restrictions to be solved, the application of the RTLS will be very much feasible. That is, if linkage of the study between the RTLS and the automation of construction is built, it will be expected to contribute to many fields such as cost reduction through efficient and systemic management, the reduction of construction period and precise construction as well as raising the level of the automation of domestic construction work.
