Study of Economic Damage Due to Windows Device Driver Failure

Windows System에서 Device Driver Failure로 인한 경제적인 피해 산출 모델 연구

  • Kim, Sung-Min (School of Electronics Engineering Ajou University)
  • 김성민 (아주 대학교 전자공학부)
  • Published : 2008.06.18


From the complexities and functional/operational expectations, the compositions of PC devices requires Device Drivers to deliver full performance of the Hardware. However, due to quick transition of hardwares and expectations of better performance of the system. As a rest users are exposed of unexpected failures of device drivers which will cause malfunction of the system which consequently cause damages in quantity as well as quality wise. In this paper, the method of calculation and/or forecast to unexpected failure will be suggested. It may not be the answer but can be a guide to calculation to economic damage due to device driver failure.
